Center for Business Collaboration solves each client's issues by providing a comprehensive approach backed by our team of experienced professionals. Our process fosters collaboration and innovation to ensure we not only understand the core needs of clients, but also help them develop successfully. View our training programs to gain an understanding of our capabilities we would like to pass onto our customers.

The process of dialogue teaches a person how to set aside their underlying assumption about a topic or issue to learn what others think and why they think the way they do. Dialogue is the process used to listen deeply and to ask questions without bias that move the conversation with people to critical thinking and learning level. Argumentation and taking positions are not part of the process, nor is it necessary to agree. Primarily, learning what others think and the logic behind their views should help participants understand the differences between your thinking and the multiple points of view that exist.

Human Dynamics
"Human Dynamics provides foundational tools that promote self-awareness and development professionally and personally by teaching people to communicate and work together effectively." Participants will also learn the difference between entitlement thinking and earned thinking and how organizational productivity can be affected by which mindset people choose. Additionally, participants will learn what motivates human beings at work and the significance of being held accountable as well as keeping others responsible for their results.

Problem Solving
Many problem-solving methods are very good and comprehensive in design. The issue with many of these methods is they are cumbersome and time-consuming and therefore lose traction for everyday utilization. This program does not suggest that an organization disregard whatever method has already been implemented. What we provide is a method that is template-based, yet can also be accomplished conversationally, without completing a template.

Critical Thinking
This critical thinking program focuses on learning the difference between argumentation and critical thinking. The session will clarify what critical thinking is and what it is not. One of the questions addressed in this program is, why human beings seem to look at external factors first when impacted by an event versus within themselves. Additionally, participants will learn a critical thinking process they can use for any issue or idea put in front of them.

Systems Thinking
Systems thinking is a higher-level process for using critical thinking to begin to learn about diagnosing Systems (not computer systems) issues and designing high-leverage interventions and potential solutions. By mapping cause and effect system behaviors, moving beyond event thinking (firefighting), and recognize problematic system archetypes and how to influence them.

Critical Decision Making
As participants become active with Critical Thinking, which supports a healthy ability to diagnose issues, ideas, and possible solutions, the need to shift to a Critical Thinking Decision-Making process is next. It is crucial to understand how individuals, groups, and organizations make poor choices and what role biases, patterns, framing decision options regarding risk or opportunity affect the decisions made.

Negotiating Change
Negotiating Change is not the same as Change Management; it is the way one can facilitate straight forward significant transparent changes in thinking and behavior at the individual and group levels. Having credible, engaging interpersonal, and organizational skills are necessary. Yet, an open process for establishing a genuine relationship with people to gain entry into assessing what needs to change and their readiness for change is a must. Ultimately, the goal is to gain commitment to a set of actions. That demonstrates the change has taken hold, and what to do to keep it on track.

Collaboration Process
Collaboration takes a much higher level of skill, knowledge, emotional intelligence, and discipline. This program is designed to go beyond teamwork, which is a valuable behavior, yet it is rooted in competition and most often defined by group boundaries. Collaboration is defined by mutually beneficial results across organizational, community, geographic, or political boundaries. The focus of the partnership is what all parties must do to have an initiative succeed.

Lean Sigma
As a practice, Lean Sigma can be useful for almost any organization and certainly provides individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the process improvement and quality program implementation challenges. This program is targeted to allow participants to obtain an overview of the Lean Sigma processes available and what it takes to get these processes institutionalized.

Agile Management
Agile Management is a unique approach to managing software projects. In many ways, the manifesto and principles describe a mindset that an organization can follow to take actions not only for software projects but customer service processes improvements and action planning for most initiatives. This overview is intended to allow participants to understand the full aspects of Agile Management and its applicability for getting results in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of cost. The whole idea of this session is to have the time to think through such a significant change in how initiatives are managed.